April 24, 2020

April 25, 2020

Incidentally, I ordered Ryu Murakami’s series of his essay ” Men are Expendable” the final stage and another vols.


When I read Céline a while ago, it reminded me Ryu Murakami. One of Ryu’s essays said he has been reading Jean Genet, Le Clézio, and Céline.

しばらく前に、セリーヌを読んだ時、龍を思い出しました。今回買ったこのエッセイの一つに龍はジャンジュネル クレジオ そして、セリーヌをずっと読んできた、と書いてありました。

I see.


I wish this vol were not the last one. I wanted to know his opinion about Coronavirus (COVID-19).


Comments (3) | More: All posts, Books, Literature

3 Responses to “April 24, 2020”

  1. Pamela says:

    I found this quote by Ryu Murakami
    to calm the current angst…
    “Hey, take a good look, isn’t the world still under your feet? I’m on this ground, and on this same ground are trees and grass and ants carrying sand to their nests, little girls chasing rolling balls, and puppies running.

    This ground runs under countless houses and mountains and rivers and seas, under everywhere. And I’m on it.

    Don’t be scared, I’d told myself, the world is still under me.”
    Ryū Murakami, Almost Transparent Blue

  2. minikonote says:

    Wow~~~, I read “Almost Transparent Blue” I was still a student. It’s a long time ago. This novel was his first book, and the story received the Akutagawa Prize. I would read it again.
    Thank you, Pamela! xxx

  3. minikonote says:

    Wow~~~, I read “Almost Transparent Blue” I was still a student. It’s a long time ago. This novel was his first book, and the story received the Akutagawa Prize. I would read it again.
    Thank you, Pamela! xxx

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