The cherry blossoms in the neighborhood are in full bloom.


A gentleman who I often see at a cafe I often go asked me how am I.


I said I’m fine but my mother is ill. 私は元気だけど、私のお母さんが病気なの。

I can’t go to see my mother because I take care ダン蔵.


I knew this would happen but it’s actually very painful for me. こういう事が起こるのはわかってたけど、でも、やっぱり辛い。と、言うと、

He said to me that he totally understood the situation. 彼はよく分かるよ。と、言った。

In the ’80s, when his partner had AIDS and he was caring for his partner, his mother had cancer, but he was full of care for his partner. Also, he was poor and had no money to go to Boston to see his mother. His sister is still angry about that.


Then, he said; Oh, that’s life. Life is a bitch. We have only a little happiness, and most of the time is pain. Therefore we need to be happy at this little moment that we smile at each other.

そして彼は、ああ、それが人生。 人生はひどい。 私たちの幸せはほんの少しで、ほとんどの場合痛みだ。 だからこそ、私たちはお互いに微笑むこの小さな瞬間に幸せであるべきだ。と、言った。

I talked to my mother and father on a phone. They cheered me up. I am very lucky to have my parents.

私は母と父と電話で話しました。 彼らは私を励ましました。 私は私の両親を持ててとても幸運です。