Impulse buying at a shop in the East Village. A cute mask and horseshoe.


From August 13th to 16th; it is time to visit your ancestors’ graves in Japan. But sorry, I can’t visit there. I think of my ancestors and relatives I lost recently.

日本では、8月13日から16日まで。 あなたの祖先の墓を訪問する時です。でも、ごめん。私は行けない。私は先祖や最近無くした親戚の事を思います。

One of my uncles loved horses.


When I was in my 20s, I lived in Miyanomori, Sapporo, which was in the neighborhood of the temple where the maternal ancestors’ graves were. For some reason, I used to visit every day. I didn’t know why it made me do that, but recently, I understand that what it was. I think my body didn’t know it back then, but I think my soul knew that I wouldn’t be able to visit the grave in the future.
