August 9th, 2021

August 10, 2021

By the way, what surprises me when I go to the hospital is that the corridors of the hospital are full of paintings.


Sometimes they are posters of famous artists in museums, but sometimes they are works of contemporary artist.


It’s fun to see them. それらを見るのは楽しいです。

ダン蔵 doesn’t have skin cancer, but there is still a possibility, and I have a delicate feeling, so we go to the hospital often.


Comments (2) | More: All posts, Art, Thought

2 Responses to “August 9th, 2021”

  1. Pamela says:

    it is so understandable to hear your concern for ダン蔵 and wishing him well and of course you too**. You always have such a visual mind and see something beautiful or different in your daily surroundings to share…despite how things appear. You are an inspiration always.

  2. minikonote says:

    The posters in hospitals are usually already history to me, and those posters bring back memories of how I learned about art.
    When I saw contemporary artists’ work in a hospital, they remind me of the existence of “art advisers’ business”.

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