I should make soup by myself for ダン蔵 that was my first thought when I wake up this morning.


I went to a book shop near my apartment. First of all, I found this soup book.


The book shop has some chairs, and some people read books before buying.


After I look through the soup book quickly, I thought I can cook soup without the book.


I walk around the shop, I saw this book. I thought rather I buy this book than the soup book.


HEAVEN ON ERTH, the latest T.J. Clark book. The cover is a beautiful painting of Giotto. “The Vision of Joachim (scene 5)”.

美術史家のT.J. Clark の本。表紙は美しいジオットの絵。

But, it is a bit pricey. I’ll research the used book on Amazon.


Running a book shop must hard job because people like me visit the book shop and not buy there. I feel guilty.
