My friend who lives in Germany email me with this photo today. ドイツに住んでる友達が写真付きのイーメールをくれました。

She is visiting Düsseldorf (the city has the largest Japanese population in Germany, and is quite famous for its Japanese cuisine.)

彼女は今、Düsseldorf (ドイツで一番日本人の人口が多く、日本料理が有名です。)を、訪れています。

She is at a soba restaurant alone. She thought she would read a book while she has dinner、however,


she was surprised with very noisy with the customers in the restaurant.


Therefore, she can’t concentrateraite to read her book. She thought if she reads aloud her book it is okay, no one care. then, she remember that I said to her a while ago. “You think Americans are loud, you haven’t been to Japan!” 


It seems me that she experienced real noisy Japanese. どうやら、彼女は日本人の正体を垣間見たようだ。

I replied her that haha! I hope one day you will visit Japan and experience Japanese night life at “Izakaya”. They are super loud.

私は彼女に ははは!いつか日本を訪れ、「居酒屋」で日本のナイトライフを体験してほしい、彼らは超うるさいよ。と、お返事を書きました。