The wooden panel covering the NYC shops are being peeled off little by little. Some shops are ready to open again, and some shops are cleared off their stuff and closed for good.

NYCのショップを覆っていた木製パネルが少しずつ剥がれています。 いくつかの店は再びオープンする準備ができており、いくつかの店は彼らの荷物を片付けて閉店しています。

May 19th, I mentioned that a shop person gave me his happy note. I walked by front of his shop today and his shop has working on closing the shop. I was shocked and I saw him through the window. We waved hands each other and he made his gesture that said he moved a shop one block way. He is all okay!


This made me very happy.


We pressed hands in prayer and waved our hands again with a smile.


I felt happiness.
