I got a message that said If ダン蔵 becomes infected with Corona, it’s because of my carelessness. I feel like I can not say anything.


Maybe it is true. But, maybe not true. However, I guess the person that gave me the message never knows What life is.

「もし、ダン蔵がコロナに感染したら、私の不注意のせいだ。」多分それは本当です。 しかし、本当ではないかもしれません。 しかし、私にメッセージを与えた人は、人生とは何かを決して知らないはず。

I don’t think human life is such a simple thing. There is mysterious power.


ダン蔵 likes Clam chowder, So, I cooked it this evening., He said it is far from real Clam Chowder but delicious! His comment made me happy.


His birthday is coming up soon. He got a card from Kuronrko-poo san. And it made him very happy. He said he never likes birthday, but this card made him likes his birthday.

彼の誕生日はもうすぐで、クロネコプーさんからカードをもらいました。 そして、それは彼をとても幸せにしました。 彼は誕生日が嫌いだと言ってたんだけど、このカードは彼に彼の誕生日を好きにさせたんだってさ。