May 21, 2020
May 22, 2020
I’d like to explain why I thought the proverb is talking about Oiran, yesterday. Tateba syakuyaku suwareba botan, arukusugataha yurinohana「立てば芍薬、座れば牡丹、歩く姿は百合の花」Standing style is as grass peony, sitting as peony, walking style is lily.
kuroneko-pooh’s blog mentioned a famous line “Tami-san, you are like a wild daisy.” This is a sentimental love story, Nogiku no haka (“The Wild Daisy”). It was written by Sachio Ito, in 1906. There is the line, Masao said to Tami, “Tami-san, you are like a wild daisy.”
If you don’t know the story, you never understand it. But, if Tami san is a wild daisy, a peony or lily-like a sophisticated character must be an Oiran like somebody a professional lady. This is my thought.
そのを小説を知らなければ、何が何だか分かんないと思うけど。 しかし、民さんが野菊なら、芍薬、牡丹やユリのような洗練されたキャラクターは、何というか、花魁とか磨き抜かれた人の様に思います。これが私の考えです。
Do you think this is an extreme theory?
I sense it is about beauty being in the eye of the beholder, whether it be a flower or being compared to women, although this is just my interpretation of the words – which is perhaps that it is so subjective… beautiful floral images on both posts 🌹
Indeed! Indeed! xxx
Thank you so much, Pamela!