I was surprised to hear that Kuroneko-Pooh completed the 42.195km of the Nagoya Marathon online. Bravo!!!
She is swamped taking care of our mother; she has cancer, taking care of all domestic chores, and working her job as usual. So how come she finds the time for jogging?
I am a lazy. わたしはなまけものです。
I also want to run and fit a little. 私も走ったりして少しはフィットしたいものです。
However, I am not a sporty person. でも、私はスポーテイじゃないんだよね。
Jean-Jacques Rousseau said “retour à la nature”, but…. ジャンジャックルソーは「自然に帰れ」って言ったけど、
I am always being as my nature. I wonder I should try to change my nature.
Anyway, his “retour à la nature” is for society, not for my lazy nature.
How did Shigeru Mizuki said, “Be lazy?” 水木しげるはどういう気持ちで「なまけものになりなさい。」と、言ったのだろうか?